Architecting a Risk-Resilient Retirement Plan with Brian Britt

Building a secure retirement is not an overnight process, and it is of the utmost importance to consider the financial risks you will face. So, in this episode, Dave is joined by Retirement Risk Advisors Partner, Brian Britt. Together, they delve into the world of retirement planning, discussing the risks and challenges that individuals face as they navigate their golden years.

Dave and Brian share their experiences and insights as they compare retirement planning to the process of remodeling a home. They highlight the importance of taking a comprehensive, risk-based approach to retirement planning rather than getting caught up in the shiny features of investment products. They stress the need to prioritize addressing short-term, medium-term, and long-term risks, with a particular focus on market volatility as the most immediate risk.

Key Takeaways:
1. A risk-based approach to retirement planning is essential to address the most immediate risks, such as market downturns.
2. Market crashes pose a significant threat to retirement savings, especially for those nearing retirement.
3. Short-term, medium-term, and long-term risks should be considered and addressed in a strategic order.
4. Understanding sequence of return risk is crucial, as losses early in retirement can have long-term consequences on financial stability.

Master your retirement planning with a risk-based approach. Attend our FREE masterclass to learn what the financial risks are and why the old, traditional retirement plans are failing so many retirees. 

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