Making Sense of Medicare Risk

Much like Social Security, there is more to Medicare than meets the eye. And as part of the crucial groundwork to so many retirements, it is essential to understand the ins and outs of the program. 

In today’s episode, Dave dives into the topic of Medicare risks. He explains the importance of understanding the different parts of Medicare and how they interact with each other, as well as the consequences of not signing up for the right benefits. Dave breaks down the basics of traditional Medicare, including Part A and Part B. He emphasizes the potential out-of-pocket costs and gaps in coverage that retirees need to be aware of. Additionally, he sheds light on the essential prescription drug coverage provided by Part D and the importance of finding the right insurance carrier.

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • Medicare risks are an important aspect of retirement planning, and it is crucial to understand the right benefits to claim and the appropriate time to sign up.
  • Traditional Medicare consists of Part A (hospitalization insurance) and Part B (general health insurance), with Part B requiring a monthly payment.
  • Medicare has gaps in coverage and does not cover certain expenses, such as deductibles and prescription drugs. Part D is the prescription drug side of Medicare, provided by third-party insurance companies.
  • It is advisable to contract with a broker who can help navigate the complexities of Medicare, including comparing pricing and coverage options.
  • Failing to sign up for Medicare at the right time can result in penalties, such as a 1% per month penalty for Part D and a 10% per year penalty for Part B.
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