Market Risks: How They’re Different When Retirement Planning with Brian Britt

Welcome back to another episode of the Retirement Risk Show with your host, Dave Hall. In today’s episode, Dave is joined by his partner and good friend, Brian Britt, to discuss withdrawal rate risk. They dive into the misconception of high withdrawal rates and the importance of understanding sequence of return risk. They also explore strategies to mitigate these risks and maximize your retirement income. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn how to safely navigate through your retirement years!

Key Takeaways:

1. Market risks in retirement are different from working years as retirees rely on their investment portfolios for income, making them more vulnerable to market fluctuations.
2. The sequence of returns is a key factor in retirement planning. Taking withdrawals during down years can significantly impact the sustainability of a portfolio.
3. Diversification between guaranteed and risk-based investments can help mitigate market risks and allow retirees to feel more confident about their income stream.
4. Withdrawal rates should be calculated based on conservative assumptions and realistic average returns, rather than relying on overly optimistic projections.

Ready to conquer sequence of return risk and withdrawal rate risk in retirement? Attend our FREE CPE Masterclass! Sign up today to secure your retirement’s safety and your peace of mind! 

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