Recessions: Bringing Financial Risk Exposure to Your Retirement

In this episode of The Retirement Risk Show, we’ll be diving into a topic that may not always stir excitement, but is essential to understanding and preparing for your retirement journey – recessions.

Retirement is a time of freedom and enjoyment, free from the burdens of work and responsibilities. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential challenges that may arise so that we can be prepared. Just like preparing for a hurricane, we need to ensure our retirement plans are resilient and can weather any storm that comes our way.

In this episode, we’ll discuss the impact of recessions on retirees and the concept of sequence of return risk. When the market takes a downturn, it can have a significant impact on retirees who rely on their investments for income. Unlike when we’re working, we can no longer rely on steady contributions or the market eventually recovering. This means that the timing of a recession during retirement can have long-lasting consequences.

We’ll explore historical examples of market downturns and the time it took for the market to recover, from the Great Depression to more recent recessions. By understanding these trends, we can make informed decisions to protect our retirement savings and ensure a secure future.

Ready to reduce the risks you will face in retirement? Learn how to take control of your retirement risks and eliminate your risk exposure by signing up for our Getting Safely Through Retirement Masterclass here

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