Episode 52: Four Ways That May Allow You to Take an Early Retirement

Want to retire early? 4 things to look into 

Number one – If you already have 35 high years of earnings that you can use for yourself security benefits. Many people wait to retire because they want to be able to maximize their Social Security benefit…

Number two – If you are in a situation where you need to do large Roth conversions, because you’ve got too much money in your tax deferred bucket, and you would like to get those done before it increases your Medicare premiums…

Number three – If you are willing to contemplate a reverse mortgage, I do teach classes on reverse mortgages, I do believe that for a right segment of the population, they can be a great thing….

Number Four – For those of you who may be in a health position, that you want to have a few good years that you can go out and travel and do things with yourself friends or spouse.

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