Why You Need a Risk-Based Plan for Your Retirement with CR Thelin

With 2022 coming to an end, and a new year just on the horizon, this is often a time to think of renewal and new starts. And to make headway so you can tackle a large project or goal, you have to start with taking small steps. This week’s episode shows the importance of those steps when it comes to retirement planning and ensuring you won’t run out of money during those after-work years. 

Your host Dave brings back podcast producer and Retirement Risk Advisor partner CR Thelin to discuss a new, modern approach to retirement planning: a risk-based retirement plan approach. 

During this episode you will learn: 

  • the reasons you should have Risk-Based Retirement Plan
  • how a risk-based approach will reduce or even eliminate the risks you will face during retirement
  • strategies and methods to tackle retirement risks such as inflation, longevity, and sequence of return
  • the importance of beginning sooner versus later for retirement saving and planning
  • why a risk-based plan will offer you and your loved ones a peace of mind

For more on our webinars and a Risk-Based Retirement Plan, please visit our website: www.retirementriskadvisors.com. Our site offers great tools and resources to get you started! 

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